Dr. Prajjwal Pyakurel (Assistant Professor, School of Public Health & Community Medicine, BPKIHS, Nepal)
1. The Coronavirus can be detectable on copper surface for upto 4 hours, on cardboard for up to 24 hours, plastic and steel for 72 hours. However, virus decreased over time on each of those surfaces and so the risk of infection from touching them would decrease over time.
2.There is the buzz going that chloroquine (antimalarial) drug is beneficial for COVID 19. However, use of chloroquine or its less toxic derivative hydroxychloroquine may be of benefit in people who are in quarantine after a contact with a confirmed COVID-19 case. But robust evidence is still needed.
3. The World Organization for Animal Health says that it doesn’t appear that fur of pets such as cats and dogs are responsible for spreading the coronavirus. However, further tests are being carried out to understand if and how animals are affected.
4. The Italy experience showed that steps to isolate the coronavirus and limit people’s movement need to be put in place early, with absolute clarity, then strictly enforced. We need to thank our government for this initiative. But people need to understand the gravity of problem and follow
stringent measures.
5. People of Italy has shared what they wish they have done 10 days ago to prevent the spread of coronavirus. Many people in the video messaged said that they wished they had listened to directives to stay inside the house and practice social distancing before it become mandatory. So strictly follow social distancing even at home so that we can prevent lot of infection.
नेपाली शब्द युनिकोडमा टाईप गरेकोले गर्दा केहि शब्दहरु बिग्रेको हुनसक्छ । शब्दको भाव बुजेर नजर अनदाज गर्दिनु होला ।
१.अनुसन्धानलेभनेअनुसारकोरोनाभारसतामा भएकोठाउँमा४घण्टासम्मबस्नसक्छ, टास्ने पाटी या कडा कागज मा २४ घण्टा सम्म बस्न सक्छ, प्लास्टिकमा र फलम मा ७२ घण्टा सम्म बस्न सक्छ ।तर समय अगाडी बड्धै गयपछी भारस बिस्तारै कम हुन्छ अनि त्तेस्ले सक्रमण गर्ने शक्तीपनि घटाउछ ।
२. Chloroquine र त्तेस्ले उत्पादित (derivative) hydroxychloroquine दबाई COVID-19 निधो भएको बिरामीको सम्पर्कमा आएको व्क्ती जो अलगै (quarantine ) मा बस्नु भएको छ उहाहरुलाई फायिदा हुन्छ भनिएको छ । तर यो साचिकै प्रभावकारी छ भन्ने कुराको लागि अझै अनुसन्धानबाट पुष्टी हुन जरुरी छ ।
३. जनावरहरुको विश्व संगठनले जानकारी गराए अनुसार घरपालुवा जनावर जस्तै कुकुर बिरालोको भुत्लाबाटकोरोनाभारस सक्रमण हुँदैन, तर पनि यस्मा अनुसन्धानहरु हुँदैछ ।
४. Italy मा देखिएको कोरोनाको महामारीले हामीलाई के सिकायको छ भने मानिसको गतिविदी सुरुमै कम गरेको भय धेरै मानिसहरुको ज्यान बचाउन सकिन्थ्यो होला भनेर ।हामीले यस्को लागी हाम्रो सरकारलाई धन्यवाद दीनैपर्छ जस्ले तुरुन्तै Lockdown गर्यो । अभ जनता पनि उतिकै सजक भएर बस्नु पर्ने अवस्था छ ।
५. Italy को जनताहरुले दियको भिडियो मेसजमा उनिहरुले के भनेका छन भने सायद यस्तो महामरी हुन्छ भन्ने १० दिन अगाडी थाह भएको भए उनिहरुले पहिला देखी नै घरमा बस्थे र एक आपसमा दुरी(social distancing) राख्थे । त्तेसैले हामीहरु ले पनि उनिहरु सँग सिकेर घरमा बसौ र दुरी (social distancing) राखौ ।