Dr. Prajjwal Pyakurel (Assistant Professor, School of Public Health & Community Medicine, BPKIHS, Nepal)
Hello everybody,
Welcome to Day 3 of our understanding about facts on coronavirus. Hope you all are not getting bored and enjoying with your family at home. I just want to update you that the Government of Nepal has till date has confirmed 4 positive cases of coronavirus. Please protect yourself. Keep sitting at your home and maintain social distancing. Today 5 points are based on questions and answers. Happy reading!!!!
1. Why this coronavirus was called COVID-19?
Ans: Co and Vi comes from coronavirus with D meaning disease and 19 meaning it was first detected in 2019. 2019-CoV is a bit like calling a daughter “the girl born in 2019.” Given that another daughter might be born in 2021, a name that might more easily distinguish between the two is probably in order.
2. Who should be suspected for COVID-19 infection?
Ans: Every country has given their guidelines. However, for our country Epidemiological and Disease Control Division (EDCD), Ministry of Health and Population, Department of Health Services, Government of Nepal has released its guidelines. This is the most authentic guidelines and I request all the people to follow this guideline. The guidelines says that any person with fever and at least one sign or symptoms of respiratory disease (cough or shortness of breath) with no any etiology that explains the clinical presentation and 1.Who had a history of travel or residence in a country, area or territory that has reported local transmission of COVID-19 disease during the 14 days prior to onset of symptoms? 2.Who had been a contact of a confirmed or probable case of COVID-19 disease during the 14 days prior to onset of symptoms 3. Who requires hospitalization AND who has no etiology that fully explains the clinical presentation. Isolate such people and take to the hospital where such COVID-19 test is available
3. What is the best measure to control Coronavirus Pandemic in Nepal?
Ans: In low resource country like Nepal, even with the best hospital preparation if the number of serious case increases, we will be short of all medical supplies within few weeks of time. So, we must prevent case transmission and decrease the severe cases so that number of hospital admission get reduced as 82% of cases are mild as per clinical severity. It will be possible only with epidemiological measures which include widespread testing of suspected coronavirus cases, tracing their contacts, quarantine and social distancing. All people should be cautious enough to understand the risk and let the concerned authority know or test for COVID-19.
4. How can one get protected from coronavirus?
Ans: 1) Avoid close contact with the people who are sick 2) Avoid touching your nose, mouth with unwashed hands. 3)Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20seconds. Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol if soap and water are not available.
5. What is basic reproductive number (Ro) and what is the basic reproductive number for coronavirus?
Ans: Basic reproductive number (Ro) is an average number an infectious person will infect with an agent in a completely susceptible population. As per the preliminary prediction of the basic reproductive number in China it varies from 2.8 – 3.9. But robust evidence is still lacking. So, breaking the chain of transmission is only the solution at the moment where vaccine and drugs are not available. Hence the lockdown has been enforced by most of the countries to break the chain of transmission
नेपाली शब्द युनिकोडमा टाईप गरेकोले केहि शब्दहरु तलमाथि परेकोमा क्षमापार्थि छु !!
१. योकोरोनाभाइरसलाई COVID-१९किनभनिएकोहो?
उतर: योCO चाही CORONAVIRUS को C0 बाटर VI चाही Virus को VI बाट आएको हो । D भनेको disease अथार्त रोग हो। यो १९ चाइने २०१९ मा पहिलो पटक पता लगाएकोले भनिएको हो ।
२. कसलाई COVID-१९भएको आशंका गर्ने ?
उतर: हरेक देशको आफ्नै निर्देशिका हुन्छ। हाम्रो देशको लागि इपिडिमियोलोजी तथा रोग नियन्त्र्ण महाशाखा, स्वास्थ सेवा बिभाग, स्वास्थ तथा जनसंख्या मन्त्रलायल, नेपाल सरकार निकालेको निर्देशिका छ। यो सरकारको तर्फबाट निकालेको निर्देशिका हो र सबैलाई येही निर्देशिका हेर्न अनुरोध गर्दछु। येसनिर्देशिकामाकेभनिएकोछभनेजसलाईजोरोआएकोछरस्वासप्रस्वाससम्बन्धिएकसंकेतवालक्षणजस्तैखोकीरसासफेर्ने समस्या छरउहाकोजोरोकोकारणनिर्णयमापुग्ननसकिनेछर
१.उहाबाहिरबाटआएकोहुनुहुन्छजहाँ COVID-१९कोसक्रमणरोगकोलक्षण देखिनुभन्दा१४दिनअगाडी भैरएको छ
२.उहा COVID-१९सक्रमणभएकोसम्पर्क प्रमाणीतभएकोवाशंकाभएको ब्यक्तीकोसम्पर्कआउनुभएकोछ
३. जसलाईअस्पतालमाभर्नाको जरुरतछरउहाकोजोरोकोकारणनिर्णयमापुग्ननसकिनेछ
यस्तोबिरामीहरुलाईअलग गरि COVID-१९कोजाचगर्न जरुरीहुन्छ।
३. नेपालमा कोरोनाभाइरसकोसक्रमणकमगर्नकेगर्नुपर्ला ?
उतर: नेपालजस्तोगरिबमुलुकमाअस्पतालकोतयारीजतिसुकैराम्रोभएपनियेदिगम्भिरकिसिमकोबिरामीहरुधेरैमात्रमाआएभनेहामीहरुलाई चिकित्साविज्ञानसम्बन्धीकोसामानजस्तै mask,gown,ventilator,test kit, हरुकोक्रमिकरुपमाकमिहुदैजान्छ।हामीहरुकोलागिउतमउपाएभनेकोएकअर्कामारोगसक्रमणहुननदिनुरगम्भिरकिसिमकोरोगहरुलाग्नबचाउनुहोकिनभने८२प्रतिसदकोरोनाभाइरसको रोगहल्काकिसिमकाहुन्छन।यसलाईरोक्नहामीहरुलेरोगसम्बन्धि बिज्ञान (Epidemiology) कोउपाएहरुअपनाउनुपरछजस्तै
१. COVID-१९सक्रमण भएको शंकाभएको ब्यक्तीकोजाचगर्ने,
२.उनीहरुको सम्पर्कमा आएको ब्यक्तीहरु पत्ता लगाउने र अवस्था हेरेर जाच गर्ने
३. अलग्ग (quarantine) मा राख्ने
४. Social distancing (दुरी रक्न्ये,कम्तिमा पनि १ मीटर)
सबै मानिसहरु सजग भएर बस्ने । यस्तो किसिमको ब्यक्तीहरु भेटे भने नजिकको अस्पताल जहाँ कोरोनाभाइरसको जाच हुन्छ ,तेता जान भने ।
४. कोरोना भाइरस को सक्रमण बाट कसरी बच्ने?
उतर: १. बिरामी भएको ब्यक्तीको सम्पर्कमा नाउने २. हात नधोइकन मुखनाक नछुने ३. बेला बेला मा साबुन पानी लगाएर २० second हात धुने। 60% मदिरामा बनेको किटाणु मार्न प्रयोग गरिने रसायनिक पदार्थ (sanitizer) प्रयोग गर्ने।
५.आधारभुत पुन उब्जने अङ्क (Basic reproductive number,Ro) भनेको के हो र कोरोना भाइरस आधारभुत पुन उब्जने अङ्क(Basic reproductive number,Ro) कति हो?
उतर: आधारभुत पुन उब्जने अङ्क(Basic reproductive number,Ro) भनेको एउटा सक्रमण भएको ब्यक्तीले कति जानामा भाइरस सार्न सक्छ भने हो। चिनमा भएको प्रारम्भिक अनुसन्धान अनुसार येस्ले २ देखी ४ जानामा सक्रमण गर्छ भनेर भनिएको छ। तर यसको अनुसन्धान अजै हुदै छ। यो कुरामा किन जोड दिन खोजिएको हो भने विभिन देशहरुले गरेको Lockdown को आदर येही सिद्धान्तमा आवद छ। Lockdown गरे भने मानिसहरुको सम्पर्क एक आपसमा हुदैन र तेस्ले सक्रमणको सिक्रीलाई तोड्न मदत गर्छ र एक मानिसबाट अर्को मानिसमा भाइरसकोसक्रमण हुदैन।